Minggu, 24 Agustus 2008

Mars akan mendekati BUmi

Seperti yang teman2 ketahui (atau jangan2x belum tw???)^_^
dan tanggal 27 Agustuus 2008 besok ni jarak keduanya mencapai 55,758,006 kilometers. pukul 5;51 A.M
bertepatan dengan kakak-kakak angkatanku yang lagi Wisuda....
pasti seru bgt ditemenin planet MArs yang hanya seperti ini 63000 tahun sekali...
Selamat ya Kak..

kenapa bisa jadi seperti ini ???/
seperti yang di kutip dari myspace.com

" Earth and Mars are like cars on a racetrack, with Earth on the inside. Every 26 months or so, Mars is at opposition -- directly opposite the Sun in relation to Earth, just as Earth "laps" Mars in the never-ending race. Mars reaches opposition this week, causing it to rise around sunset and set at sunrise.

As with any opposition of Mars, this one offers a shorter path for spacecraft, and four of them are bound for the red planet right now. NASA has two probes en route, slated to land and deploy rovers in January. Another lander was shot to Mars by the European Space Agency, and the Japanese have a Mars orbiter on the way.

For skywatchers, this opposition is particularly special.

The orbits of both planets are not quite circles. So every 15 years, a Mars opposition comes when the red planet is about as near to the Sun as its orbit ever carries it (a point called perihelion) and Earth is near its outermost point (called aphelion).

Further, the two orbits actually rotate in space, bringing Earth's aphelion and Mars' perihelion to even greater proximity at certain times -- like this week."

janagn lupa mendongkakkan kepala yaw....
pake' mata telanjang insya Allah juga bisa kok...
tanpa telesakop..
cuz denger2x klo' mw liat ke Bosha udah habis tiketnya...
So enJoy aja yaw............^_^

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